The Dead by Daylight August Licensed Chapter Will Probably Be Alien With Ellen Ripley As Survivor!

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Everyone who saw the Dead by Daylight seventh anniversary livestream probably said the same thing to themselves: this Chapter 28 is a huge teaser to the upcoming Alien collaboration.

It is so blatant that anyone with a modicum of film culture will have realized it immediately.

The type of presentation is also very explicit, for those who have been following Dead by Daylight since 2016 in fact, they know very well that Chapters have NEVER been identified with a genre, when 'The Dredge' came last year, wasn't the same presentation made for the new chapter 'End Transmission' complete with 'Sci-fi Chapter' graphics with the Senior Creative Director saying that this is a chapter that brings a new genre of horror within Dead by Daylight, actually The Dredge did too, as it was the first non-humanoid killer to come inside the game, probably inspired by Stephen King's creatures like The Boogeyman, but it was not presented in the same way:
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Even a graphic to introduce the sci-fi genre complete with constant references to 'Alien' as when he himself says that this new chapter will take us to an unknown planet: 'First of all, its clearly an alien world. We wanted you to feel like you are far from home, that you are lost in space'

In this sentence there are a lot of references to Alien, first of all the word is literally mentioned, and then also the phrase 'lost in space', for those who know Ridley Scott's saga know very well that the movie starts with the Nostromo, a giant spaceship that is in space, receives a mysterious distress signal from an unknown planet, and once they land they realize that there is something wrong, having actually landed on an Alien world, and feeling lost in space. Even in the name of the chapter 'End Transmission' there is a very clear reference to Alien because as mentioned, the saga starts precisely from a transmission received from an unknown planet.

Not only that, even in some clips when they talk about End Transmission Chapter there are some references to Alien, there is for example a part where there is an all dark room lit only by a green light and in which a silhouette passes by, a clear reference to Alien Isolation where there are so many similar situations where there is a dark room lit only by the Motion Tracker used by Amanda Ripley inside the game that emits a green light constantly, or even the cover of Alien Isolation itself is an image lit only by a green light:

Alien is a collaboration that Dead by Daylight fans have been waiting for for a very long time, and after the recent collaboration with Fortnite, it may indeed be time to see it arrive within Behaviour Interactive's game as well, not least because the introduction of Sci-fi within the game means that sooner or later Alien will arrive, I would remind you, however, that the next two killers coming within the game will be licensed, namely they will be 'very iconic licenses,' and Alien does indeed seem to fit this description, and in August there will be a chapter with Killer and Survivor, and the latter could indeed be Ellen Ripley, following the arrival of Nicolas Cage within Dead by Daylight:

With the End Transmission map coming within the game, it's as if the developers were given an initial 'test' to let them experiment in creating an alien world, before getting to work on creating an Alien map, thus accruing experience to Behaviour Interactive's artists in creating similar worlds that had never been thought of for Dead by Daylight:
dead by daylight end transmission alien dbd playstation ps4 ps5 xbox game pass nintendo switch games horror gaming behaviour interactive

If there is any news in this regard I will notify you as always through this website and socials (Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram, Discord), in the meantime what do you think? Would you like it if Alien came to Dead by Daylight?
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