Dead by Daylight – Chapter 16 Leaks: Code Name Killer, Code Name Map, PTB Date & Priority

Masusder and I have found new leaks regarding chapter 16, precisely the code name of the map, the code name of the killer and the dates of the ptb.


The code name of the killer, which is also the code name of the entire patch, is: Wales


The new map will be a completely new realm, and its code name is: Wal_Level_01


The Player Test Build of chapter 16 will start on May 26th and there will be a high priority to find the new map, the priority will be high until June 5th.

In addition to that date, I also tell you that when the chapter is released, there will be a high priority of finding the new map until June 23rd.

What do you think of these leaks? Are you excited for new chapter?

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