Dead by Daylight Leaks – All Chapter 17 PTB Info + All Upcoming Content Until October

The ptb of chapter 17 will start tomorrow, there will be no new maps but there will be a graphic rework some maps including:

• Springwood

Mother's Dwelling

• Yamaoka

These maps, as always happens in the PTB with the new map, will have a high priority, which will decrease every day, until August 26, the last day of the PTB.

High priority means you have a much better chance of finding these three maps during your PTB matches.

The maps have been reworked not only on a graphic level but also on a structural level, moreover, the maps of springwood have all been 'retouched', all 5 variants.

I remind you that the PTB is valid only for PC users, these are the instructions to access it, from the dead by daylight forum:

- Close the Dead by Daylight application
- Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library

- Access Properties
- Access the "Beta" Tab
- Select "public-test" from the dropdown
- Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

- Close the Dead by Daylight application
- Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library
- Access Properties
- Access the "Beta" Tab
- Select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" from the dropdown
Restart Steam (not required, but this updates the UI properly and kicks off the download)

Screen of the graphic update of the Yamaoka:


The Executioner knows your mind well. He does not hide in the shadows. He hides closer than you know.
Available now: The Executioner Forge Born Set.

• August 26 - MEG'S EAT DUST
Level III of Tome IV is now available! With it comes the below:
- 20 Challenges (incl. 8 Master Challenges).
- 8 Memory and Log Entries (including the final entry for Meg Thomas Eat Dust).
- More Bloodpoints.
To access Level III you must have reached the Epilogue node of Level II with either role.

Level IV of Tome IV is now available!
With it comes the below:
- 20 Challenges (incl. 8 Master Challenges).
- 8 Memory and Log Entries (including the final entry for The Wraith The Algebra of Infinite Night.
- More Bloodpoints.
To access Level IV you must have reached the Epilogue node of Level III with either role.

• September 30 - RIFT CLOSES IN 1 WEEK
The Rift for Tome IV will close on October 7th! For those without a Rift Pass this will be the last chance to unlock it and claim any rewards you've earned on the Premium track. Once the Rift closes the below will come into effect: Challenges, Entries and Bloodpoints from Tome IV will remain available permanently after this date but no longer award Rift Fragments. Once the next Tome begins, Tome IV will be available in the Compendium section. Player Level XP will stop awarding Rift Fragments. Unclaimed rewards from the Rift will be automatically claimed on your next launch of the game or tally screen whichever comes first. Stay tuned for Tome V to arrive with Mid-Chapter 17.5!

The Rift closes in less than 24h! Today is your last chance to get Tome IV rewards.

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