With the upcoming release of Chapter 18 and patch v4.4.0, new collections for Dead by Daylight characters also arrive. Thanks to Neemo for this leaks.
For the new killer there will be 10 new outfits will be released, of which 8 will be recolor, that is simple color variations of other outfits.
For the new survivor there will be 11 new outfits, of which 9 will be recolor. The release of these new collections will take place on December 1st, with the release of the new chapter.
New skins for Jake, Ace, Claudette, Dwight, Trapper and Zarina will also be released in December, more precisely:
• The first skins to be released will be those of the Trapper and Dwight Fairfield. That of the Trapper will be a Legendary skin that can be purchased for 1350 auric cells and will be released on December 4th. The Dwight skin will instead be possible to buy it for 1080 auric cells or 21600 Shards and will be released on December 8th.
• On December 8th it will be the turn of the skins for Zarina Kassir (which will be a Set) and Ace Visconti, both of which can be purchased for 1080 auric cells, with the exception of the Zarina skin which will also be available for purchase with 21600 Shards.
• Finally, the skins for Jake Park and Claudette Morel will be released on December 11th, both of which can be purchased for 1080 auric cells or 21600 Shards.
In addition to new skins coming soon, skins contained in the old rift will be released in the store, including Feng Min's "Demon Slayer" skin and Clown's "Mr. Puddles" skin, both of which will be released on December 14th. While in January there will be the release of the skins "Marrow Miner" of the Trapper and "Lab Intern" of Claudette Morel, precisely on January 15th. And, again in January, the Wraith's "Night Whistler" and Jake Park's "Nonconformist" skins will also be added to the store, precisely on January 22nd.
*Note:I remind you that all this is still under development, so prices and release dates may vary until they are officially confirmed, as well as the PTB date.
What do you think about it? which skin are you most curious to see?