Dead by Daylight Leaks – Chapter 22 & Mid-Chapter 22.5 Leaked: Release Dates, PTB & Cosmetics, New Skins also for Pig & David Tapp

Chapter 22 released on November 30, and you can test it in PTB on November 9. On January 25 instead will be released the mid-chapter 22.5 and you can test it on January 4 in PTB.

In the mid-chapter 22.5 there will be the following skin:
- Feng Min, Meg Thomas and Huntress, will receive new skins on January 25;
- Jake Park and Yui Kimura will receive new Skins on January 27;
- David King, The Trickster, Kate Denson, and Dwight Fairfield will receive new skins on February 10.

In the new rift there will be new skins for: Kate Denson (recolor), Jake Park (recolor), Doctor (recolor), Deathslinger (recolor), Blight (recolor), David King (recolor), Elodie Rakoto (recolor), Felix (new outfit), Nea Karlsson (new outfit), David Tapp (new outfit), Hillbilly (new outfit) and Pig (new outfit).

Are you excited about all this?

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