Dead by Daylight – Quentin Smith Face Rework + Tome VIII Leaks: Name, Cosmetics & Charms

Quentin Smith's face within PTB v5.1.0 has been changed:

Some time ago the actor who plays the character in the film had complained about his face in Dead by Daylight, and the Game Director of Dead by Daylight replied:

This change to the face could mean that they managed to make a deal with the actor.

Moreover, the name of the next tome will be 'Deliverance' and inside it will be possible to get new skins for Jake, Clown, Elodie, Huntress, Ace and new charms including:

• Jake's Boar Hunter Outfit;
• The Clown's Cartoon Special Outfit;
• The Huntress’s Ignition Outfit;
• Elodie's Cave Walker Outfit;
• Ace's God of Wine Outfit;
Jake Figurine Charm;
The Mystical Attraction Charm;
Spherical Bloodweb Charm.

- Unlock the rift pass to receive:
Jake's Survival Jacket;
The Clown’s Patch Clash & Pool Floaty.

Finally, some legendary skins, including those of the Krampus and that of the Minotaur, have become Ultra Rare skins.

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