The Dead by Daylight community has always wanted new modes to vary a bit the gameplay that has remained structurally the same since 2016, and finally in 2024 they managed to find a way to vary the formula a bit with the arrival of Modifiers.
Modifiers are nothing more than slight variations to the gameplay, the first one presented was Lights Out and it consists of the absence of HUDs, Scratch Marks, perks, offers, but most importantly a lower map brightness, as if you can only see a few meters away from you, the map is in fact completely immersed in darkness:
Modifiers are nothing more than slight variations to the gameplay, the first one presented was Lights Out and it consists of the absence of HUDs, Scratch Marks, perks, offers, but most importantly a lower map brightness, as if you can only see a few meters away from you, the map is in fact completely immersed in darkness:

And can only be played on 4 maps and will be active from February 7 to February 14:

However, the developers had said that there would be other modifiers during the course of the year, and perhaps the next one has been leaked, in fact the name of the next Modifier was found in the game files, although it is probably a temporary name, it is still an interesting choice, because it is called: Eddie Zodiac and apparently it is related to the collaboration with Iron Maiden:
The Skins in collaboration with Iron Maiden will be released on February 22, which will feature, among other things, their music in the lobby:

Not only this though, in fact after the collaboration with Alan Wake:

For those who have never played Alan Wake, in short the flashlight is central to the gameplay because it allows you to eliminate shadows (monsters) that Alan faces during the game.
In the second game by the way, there are two playable characters, not only Alan but also Saga Anderson, which as I anticipated last weeks, also arrives as a legendary skin:

Alan Wake will also be part of the new tome 18:

And after Alan Wake perhaps the new chapter is also inspired by a character known to the horror community, namely Slenderman.
In fact in the Dead by Daylight roadmap unveiling the content coming in February, the date of the PTB was announced that will unveil the new chapter coming, and the image used is very reminiscent of Slenderman, in fact a 'VHS' filter was used that resembles the one used in the Slenderman games when he catches/chases you:

Would you like the addition of Slenderman to Dead by Daylight?
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