Many of you write to me regarding the release dates of the new skins, new tome, new event or mid-chapter patch v4.5.0. I therefore write this article to enclose everything that is coming in these weeks, with also the various info about it.
So, this is a "calendar" about what you should expect in the Behaviour Interactive game during upcoming weeks (for those who have not read the previous articles, don't worry, because as I said previously, I will also rewrite all the info regarding the upcoming new skins, new event and also the info regarding the new tome).
So, Let's Begin:
On February 9th the mid-chapter patch will be released, along with skins for Steve Harrington, the Demogorgon and Nancy Wheeler:
• Steve Harrington Skin
- Name: High School Hunk
- Description: In those days, Steve was at the height of his popularity.
- Collection: Moments of Growth
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Demogorgon Skin
- Name: Geo Mutation
- Description: An usual mutation formed in The Entity's realm, causing rock-like chitin to grow form the creature's flesh.
- Collection: Moments of Growth
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Nancy Wheeler Skin
- Name: Days of Rose
- Description: An outfit worn during calmer times in Hawkins, Indiana, before everything turned upside-down.
- Collection: Moments of Growth
- Rarity: Very Rare Skin
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Demogorgon Skin - Name: Geo Mutation - Description: An usual mutation formed in The Entity's realm, causing rock-like chitin to grow form the creature's flesh. - Collection: Moments of Growth - Rarity: Very Rare - Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Nancy Wheeler Skin - Name: Days of Rose - Description: An outfit worn during calmer times in Hawkins, Indiana, before everything turned upside-down. - Collection: Moments of Growth - Rarity: Very Rare Skin - Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• On February 10th the first level of the Tome VI 'Divergence' will be released. The characters that will be part of this Tome will be The Observer, Yui Kimura, and the Nurse:
Shared Challenge
• Earn 50,000 BloodPoints | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Vault a pallet or window while in a chase 2 times (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Sabotage 8 hook | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Reset 1 Pallet Near the Killer With 'Any Means Necessary' Perk | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Repair a total of 4 generators | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hide in a locker within 5 seconds of being in a chase with a killer (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform 2 stun blind as survivor (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Escape Chase Injured With 'Lucky Break' Perk (2 Times) | 25,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Unlock 7 chests | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Unhook a Survivor safely or take a protection hit 8 times | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hide within 10 meters of the killer without being caught for a total of 45 seconds | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Be chased by the killer for a total of 60 seconds | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook survivor 4 times while using 'A Nurse's Calling' Perk | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform 2 hit in a trial after a Blink with the Nurse | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Damage a generator or destroy a dropped pallet 12 times | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Earn 3 Chaser emblems of Silver quality or better | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook 8 survivors | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Sacrifice 6 survivors to the Entity | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Knock down 6 survivors while using Stridor (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Starts a Chase 1 times while using 'Spies From the Shadows' Perk | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
Shared Challenge
• Earn 50,000 BloodPoints | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Vault a pallet or window while in a chase 2 times (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Sabotage 8 hook | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Reset 1 Pallet Near the Killer With 'Any Means Necessary' Perk | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Repair a total of 4 generators | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hide in a locker within 5 seconds of being in a chase with a killer (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform 2 stun blind as survivor (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Escape Chase Injured With 'Lucky Break' Perk (2 Times) | 25,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Unlock 7 chests | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Unhook a Survivor safely or take a protection hit 8 times | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hide within 10 meters of the killer without being caught for a total of 45 seconds | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Be chased by the killer for a total of 60 seconds | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook survivor 4 times while using 'A Nurse's Calling' Perk | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform 2 hit in a trial after a Blink with the Nurse | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Damage a generator or destroy a dropped pallet 12 times | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Earn 3 Chaser emblems of Silver quality or better | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook 8 survivors | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Sacrifice 6 survivors to the Entity | 15,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Knock down 6 survivors while using Stridor (in a single trial) | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Starts a Chase 1 times while using 'Spies From the Shadows' Perk | 25,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• On February 11th new Deathslinger and Wraith skins will be released:
• Deathslinger Skin
- Name: The Oxen Bounty
- Description: The man Caleb claimed a bounty on had an usual outfit, like nothing he'd seen before. Whatever it was from, it was his now.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Wraith Skin
- Name: The Golden Ox
- Description: Long ago, Philip killed the ox of a poor farmer so he himself could survive. Nightmares of long forgotten guilt seeped into the Fog to produce a terrifying metamorphosis.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Shards
- Name: The Oxen Bounty
- Description: The man Caleb claimed a bounty on had an usual outfit, like nothing he'd seen before. Whatever it was from, it was his now.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Wraith Skin
- Name: The Golden Ox
- Description: Long ago, Philip killed the ox of a poor farmer so he himself could survive. Nightmares of long forgotten guilt seeped into the Fog to produce a terrifying metamorphosis.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Shards
• On February 12th will start the event 'Gilded Stampede' to celebrate the Lunar New Year:
Special items such as the lunar toolbox, firecrackers and a new offer for the event will also be available:
"As a Killer, hook a Survivor on a Lunar Celebration Hook to earn bonus bloodpoints. As a Survivor, whenever a Lunar Celebration Generator is repaired you earn bonus Bloodpoints. Using this offering increases the amount of Bloodpoints earner for these interactions. NOTE: During the event, all hooks and generators are replaced with Lunar Celebration Hooks and Lunar Celebration Generators."
New Skins will also be released:
• Zarina Kassir Head Skin
- Name: Gilded Locks
- Description: Red & gold strands of hair, paired with ox earrings.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
• Spirit Weapon Skin
- Name: Scarlet Edge
- Description: A blade crafted of bull's horn, adorned with a dangling scarlet ribbon.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
• Adam Francis Torso Skin
- Name: Shimmering Ox
- Description: A brilliant red jacket, inlaid with the icon of a golden ox looking to the heavens.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
- Name: Gilded Locks
- Description: Red & gold strands of hair, paired with ox earrings.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
• Spirit Weapon Skin
- Name: Scarlet Edge
- Description: A blade crafted of bull's horn, adorned with a dangling scarlet ribbon.
- Collection: Gilded Stampede
• Adam Francis Torso Skin
- Name: Shimmering Ox
- Description: A brilliant red jacket, inlaid with the icon of a golden ox looking to the heavens.
The second level of Tome VI 'Divergence' will be released on February 24th:
Shared Challenge
• Earn 8 emblems of Gold quality or better | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Fully deplete 5 med-kits | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Heals a Dying Survivor with 'Empathy' Perk (2 times) - 35,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Finish repairing a generator or have another survivor finish repairing a generator 12 times | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Consume 24 Charges of 'Botany Knowledge' Item in a Trial - 35,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform a cooperative action for 180 seconds | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Cleanse 15 totems | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Perform 3 stun blind as survivor (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Heal a total of 10 health states of other survivors | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Escape the trial while carrying an item with 'Very Rare' rarity or better 1 times (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Perform 4 survivors hooked While Using Thanatophobia Perk | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Close the Hatch 1 times (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Hit a survivor with your weapon 20 times | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Kill 8 survivors by any means | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Damage a generator or destroy a dropped pallet 10 times (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Nurse Blink Chain Multiple Hit in a Trial (2 times) 35,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Start a chase with 12 different Survivors | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook 5 survivors in the basement | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Shared Challenge
• Earn 8 emblems of Gold quality or better | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Fully deplete 5 med-kits | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Heals a Dying Survivor with 'Empathy' Perk (2 times) - 35,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Finish repairing a generator or have another survivor finish repairing a generator 12 times | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Consume 24 Charges of 'Botany Knowledge' Item in a Trial - 35,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform a cooperative action for 180 seconds | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Cleanse 15 totems | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Perform 3 stun blind as survivor (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Heal a total of 10 health states of other survivors | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Escape the trial while carrying an item with 'Very Rare' rarity or better 1 times (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Perform 4 survivors hooked While Using Thanatophobia Perk | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Close the Hatch 1 times (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Hit a survivor with your weapon 20 times | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Kill 8 survivors by any means | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Damage a generator or destroy a dropped pallet 10 times (in a single trial) | 35,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Nurse Blink Chain Multiple Hit in a Trial (2 times) 35,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Start a chase with 12 different Survivors | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook 5 survivors in the basement | 25,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
On February 25 at 11AM ET, the Lunar Event ends.
The skins for Nea Karlsson, Meg Thomas, Jane Romero and Kate Denson will be released on March 5th:
• Nea Karlsson Skin
- Name: Rebel Night
- Description: Nea was a student of counter-culture movements. Her choice of fashion was an homage to history's rebels.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Shards
• Meg Thomas Skin
- Name: Hot Rod Riveter
- Description: Rather than attend her school's 50's dance in poodle skirt and bow, Meg went as a tough-as-nails mechanic with a colorful personality.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Jane Romero Skin
- Name: Summer Starlet
- Description: An outfit with a 50's flair, it was originally featured on The Jane Romero Show's Rockabilly Special.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Shards
• Kate Denson Skin
- Name: Dolly Guitar
- Description: Kate took the stage at a 50's revival show and played till the cows came home.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
- Name: Rebel Night
- Description: Nea was a student of counter-culture movements. Her choice of fashion was an homage to history's rebels.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Shards
• Meg Thomas Skin
- Name: Hot Rod Riveter
- Description: Rather than attend her school's 50's dance in poodle skirt and bow, Meg went as a tough-as-nails mechanic with a colorful personality.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
• Jane Romero Skin
- Name: Summer Starlet
- Description: An outfit with a 50's flair, it was originally featured on The Jane Romero Show's Rockabilly Special.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Shards
• Kate Denson Skin
- Name: Dolly Guitar
- Description: Kate took the stage at a 50's revival show and played till the cows came home.
- Collection: Rockabilly
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Release Date: March 5th
- Price: 1080 Auric Cells
The third level of Tome VI 'Divergence' will be released on March 10th:
Shared Challenge
• Earn 100,000 BloodPoints | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Repair a total of 12 generators | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Complete a Heal Near the Killer 1 Time with 'Self-Care' Perk | 50,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Wiggle Free Drop Near the Killer with 'Breakout' Perk (1 times) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Fall from a great height while being chased 3 times | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Survive while 6 other survivors escape the trial. You must remain in the trial while they escape | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Unhook a survivor safely or take a protectin hit 20 times | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Perform a Skill Check Healing Success 3 times - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Escape 8 chases | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Reset a Pallet Near the Killer With 'Any Means Necessary' Perk (2 Times) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Be chased by the killer for a total of 60 seconds as Yui Kimura (in a single trial) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Chase survivors for a total of 240 seconds | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Earn 3 Devout Emblems of Gold quality or better | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Damage a genrator or destroy a dropped pallet 24 times | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Sacrifice 15 survivors to the Entity | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook the 'Obsession' 2 times with 'Nemesis' Perk - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform 4 'Demon Strike' (in a single trial) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Hook 24 survivors | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Shared Challenge
• Earn 100,000 BloodPoints | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Repair a total of 12 generators | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Complete a Heal Near the Killer 1 Time with 'Self-Care' Perk | 50,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Wiggle Free Drop Near the Killer with 'Breakout' Perk (1 times) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Fall from a great height while being chased 3 times | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Survive while 6 other survivors escape the trial. You must remain in the trial while they escape | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Unhook a survivor safely or take a protectin hit 20 times | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Perform a Skill Check Healing Success 3 times - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Escape 8 chases | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Reset a Pallet Near the Killer With 'Any Means Necessary' Perk (2 Times) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Be chased by the killer for a total of 60 seconds as Yui Kimura (in a single trial) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Chase survivors for a total of 240 seconds | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Earn 3 Devout Emblems of Gold quality or better | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Damage a genrator or destroy a dropped pallet 24 times | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Sacrifice 15 survivors to the Entity | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hook the 'Obsession' 2 times with 'Nemesis' Perk - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Perform 4 'Demon Strike' (in a single trial) - 50,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Hook 24 survivors | 30,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
The fourth level of Tome VI 'Divergence' will be released on March 31st:
Shared Challenge
• Earn 8 emblems of Iridescent quality | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Finish repairing a generator or have another survivor finish repairing a generator 20 times | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Heal a total of 12 health states of other survivors | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Perform 2 Emote Point At Killer With 'Premonition' Perk (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Succeed at 3 consecutive skill checks (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Completely heal 3 health states of any survivors after the exit gates are opened | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Fully deplete 6 toolboxes | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Finish repairing 2 generators while in the killers terror radius. Must be in the terror radius when the generator is completed (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Escape 2 trials through the hatch | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Perform 30 Oni Demon Dash Hit | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Interrupt and grab 2 survivors while they are working on a generator | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Start a chase with 16 different survivors | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Earn 3 malicious emblems of iridescent quality or better | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hit 12 times the Survivor afflicted from the 'Hemorrhage' Status effects while using 'Blood Echo' Perk - 60,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Kill 12 survivors by any means | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Grab a Survivor 12 times near pallets, vaults or walls using 'Zanshin Tactics' Perk | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Damage the same generator 4 times (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Hook 10 survivors in the basement | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Shared Challenge
• Earn 8 emblems of Iridescent quality | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Survivor Challenges
• Finish repairing a generator or have another survivor finish repairing a generator 20 times | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Heal a total of 12 health states of other survivors | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Perform 2 Emote Point At Killer With 'Premonition' Perk (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Succeed at 3 consecutive skill checks (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Completely heal 3 health states of any survivors after the exit gates are opened | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Fully deplete 6 toolboxes | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Finish repairing 2 generators while in the killers terror radius. Must be in the terror radius when the generator is completed (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Escape 2 trials through the hatch | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
Killer Challenges
• Perform 30 Oni Demon Dash Hit | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Interrupt and grab 2 survivors while they are working on a generator | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Start a chase with 16 different survivors | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Earn 3 malicious emblems of iridescent quality or better | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Hit 12 times the Survivor afflicted from the 'Hemorrhage' Status effects while using 'Blood Echo' Perk - 60,000 BloodPoints | 5 Rift Fragments
• Kill 12 survivors by any means | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
• Grab a Survivor 12 times near pallets, vaults or walls using 'Zanshin Tactics' Perk | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Damage the same generator 4 times (in a single trial) | 60,000 BloodPoints - 5 Rift Fragments
• Hook 10 survivors in the basement | 45,000 BloodPoints - 3 Rift Fragments
The rewards within the rift will be as follows:
• Tier 1:
- Premium: Torso for Yui Kimura, Body for Nurse, Charm.
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 2:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 3:
- Premium: Recolored Torso for Nea Karlsson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 4:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 5:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 6:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 7:
- Premium: Recolored Mask for Legion
- Free: Recolored Head for Dwight Fairfield
• Tier 8:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 9:
- Premium: Recolored Legs for Nea Karlsson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 10:
- Premium: Recolored Weapon for Trapper
- Free: Charm
• Tier 11:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 12:
- Premium: Recolored Body for Legion
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 13:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 14:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 15:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Torso for Dwight Fairfield
• Tier 16:
- Premium: Recolored Head for Nea Karlsson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 17:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Mask for Trapper
• Tier 18:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 19:
- Premium: Head for Nurse
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 20:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 21:
- Premium: Recolored Weapon for Legion
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 22:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 23:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Legs for Claudette Morel
• Tier 24:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 25:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 26:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Recolored Weapon for Hillbilly
• Tier 27:
- Premium: Recolored Head for Meg Thompson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 28:
- Premium: Legs for Yui Kimura
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 29:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 30:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 31:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Legs for Dwight Fairfield
• Tier 32:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 33:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 34:
- Premium: Recolored Torso for Meg Thompson
- Free: Recolored Legs for Hillbilly
• Tier 35:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 36:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Recolored Head for Claudette Morel
• Tier 37:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 38:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 39:
- Premium: Legs for Felix Richter
- Free: Recolored Body for Trapper
• Tier 40:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 41:
- Premium: Body for Oni
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 42:
- Premium: Recolored Legs for Dwight Fairfield
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 43:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Recolored Torso for Claudette Morel
Tier 44:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 45:
- Premium: Recolored Legs for Meg Thompson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 46:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 47:
- Premium: Head for Felix Richter
- Free: Recolored Torso for Hillbilly
• Tier 48:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 49:
- Premium: Recolored Head for Dwight Fairfield
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 50:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 51:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 52:
- Premium: Mask for Oni
- Free: Charm
• Tier 53:
- Premium: Legs (Community Cosmetics) for Claudette Morel
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 54:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 55:
- Premium: Torso for Felix Richter
- Free: Charm
• Tier 56:
- Premium: Recolored Torso for Dwight Fairfield
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 57:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 58:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 59:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 60:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 61:
- Premium: Head (Community Cosmetic) for Claudette Morel
- Free: Charm
• Tier 62:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 63:
- Premium: Weapon for Oni
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 64:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 65:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 66:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 67:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 68:
- Premium: Torso (Community Cosmetic) for Claudette Morel
- Free: Weapon for Nurse
• Tier 69:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 70:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Head for Yui Kimura
• Name: New Moon Bouquet
Rarity: Rare
Description: A relic from the Observer's tower. Some say these roses once held powerful sway over The Entity's realm.
Collection: The Desolate Prisoner
Character: Universal
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 1
• Name: Lady of Yesterday
Rarity: Common
Description: Sally's wedding ring. Only a piace of that woman remained.
Character: Killers
Collection: Fated Paths
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 2
• Name: Boken Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: The dream felt real. And in it, she was utterly destroyed.
Character: Survivors
Collection: Fated Paths
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 4
• Name: Shock Splinter
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: An artifact once prevalent in The Entity's realm, it vanished quite suddenly.
Collection: Killer Memorabilia
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 5
• Name: Lady of Doubt
Rarity: Common
Description: She doubted the work she performed but had little else remaining.
Character: Killers
Collection: Fated Paths
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 10
• Name: Maple Taffy
Rarity: Common
Description: A treat made by pouring hot maple sap onto snaw. Part of French-Canadian culture, where it's known as tire d'èrable. Character: Survivors Collection: Winter's Bounty Track: Premium Rift Tier: 13
• Name: Death Do Us Part
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: Everything Sally held dear was taken away.
Collection: Horrible Dolls
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 15
• Name: Devastated Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: She felt empty after witnessing the horrible crash of her friend.
Character: Survivors
Collection: Mementos of Prominence
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 17
• Name: Frozen Delicious
Rarity: Common
Description: An oxymoron known as frozen hot cocoa.
Character: Universal
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 20
• Name: Yui Kimura Figurine
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: Yui's favorite speed? Faster.
Collection: Vinyl Doll
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 23
• Name: Lady of Despair
Rarity: Common
Description: The death of her husband tore her soul apart.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 25
• Name: Bone Chill
Rarity: Common
Description: The hand of someone who succumbed to the cold night.
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 30
• Name: Ghost Orchid
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A rare flower that grows in Cuba and Florida. Claudette's favorite.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 31
• Name: Furious Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: There was a thought she couldn't purge from her mind: Revenge.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 32
• Name: Lion Tattoo
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A tattoo Kazan stripped from a man's skin, deeming him unworthy of wearing such a noble symbol.
Collection: Killer Memorabilia
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 35
• Name: Sakura 7
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A mock-up of a logo that a Sakura 7 gang member carved into a table.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 37
• Name: Lady of Melancholy
Rarity: Common
Description: She was drifting towards a monstrous act as she succumbed to the darkness.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 44
• Name: Conflicted Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: What does it matter if you gain the world if you lose your humanity?
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 50
• Name: Green Geek
Rarity: Rare
Description: A keychain from the forum Claudette moderated.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 52
• Name: Oni Statuette
Rarity: Rare
Description: The figure of a Japanese ogre. It's smiling viciously.
Collection: Forgotten Toys
Character: Killers
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 55
• Name: Lady of Malice
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: She understood her purpose now. And it was to cleanse.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 57
• Name: Mr. Puddles Stuffie
Rarity: Rare
Description: It's your wacky elephant pal as a plush toy! He can't wait to play in your red puddles! Design inspired by kangyaku.
Collection: Forgotten Toys
Character: Survivors
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 58
• Name: Checkered Flag
Rarity: Common
Description: A flag marking the end of a race, its significance is diminished in a realm where endings are ambiguos.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 59
• Name: Knifecicle
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A knife-shaped icicle. May be effective at killing snowmen.
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Character: Killers
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 61
• Name: Noble Racer
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: She realized some things are more important than first place.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 65
• Name: Propulsion Overdrive RK7
Rarity: Rare
Description: A souped-up streetbike that Yui rode to many victories on.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 66
• Name: Scorched Straitjacket
Rarity: Rare
Description: A relic from the halls of Crotus Prenn Asylum.
Collection: Killer Memorabilia
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 67
• Name: Shattered Globe
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Description: It may have been beautiful once, but such things are the first to break in this realm.
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Character: Universal
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 70
• Name: Lunar Ox
Description: A strong and reliable beast with an indomitable will Rarity: Event
Collection: Gilded Stampede
• Name: The Campfire
Rarity: Common
Description: A beacon of hope in a realm of suffering and despair.
Collection: Mementos of Prominence
• Name: Tower of the Damned
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: The foundation of a mysterious tower.
• Name: Tower of the Rising
Rarity: Rare
Description: A half-built tower that holds secrets in its cold walls.
• Name: Tower of the Strong
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: An enigmatic tower that stands out from the barren landscape.
• Name: Tower of the Observer
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Description: A tower bursting with unharnessed possibility.
The rewards within the rift will be as follows:
• Tier 1:
- Premium: Torso for Yui Kimura, Body for Nurse, Charm.
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 2:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 3:
- Premium: Recolored Torso for Nea Karlsson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 4:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 5:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 6:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 7:
- Premium: Recolored Mask for Legion
- Free: Recolored Head for Dwight Fairfield
• Tier 8:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 9:
- Premium: Recolored Legs for Nea Karlsson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 10:
- Premium: Recolored Weapon for Trapper
- Free: Charm
• Tier 11:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 12:
- Premium: Recolored Body for Legion
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 13:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 14:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 15:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Torso for Dwight Fairfield
• Tier 16:
- Premium: Recolored Head for Nea Karlsson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 17:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Mask for Trapper
• Tier 18:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 19:
- Premium: Head for Nurse
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 20:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 21:
- Premium: Recolored Weapon for Legion
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 22:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 23:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Legs for Claudette Morel
• Tier 24:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 25:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 26:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Recolored Weapon for Hillbilly
• Tier 27:
- Premium: Recolored Head for Meg Thompson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 28:
- Premium: Legs for Yui Kimura
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 29:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 30:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 31:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Recolored Legs for Dwight Fairfield
• Tier 32:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 33:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 34:
- Premium: Recolored Torso for Meg Thompson
- Free: Recolored Legs for Hillbilly
• Tier 35:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 36:
- Premium: 25 Auric Cells
- Free: Recolored Head for Claudette Morel
• Tier 37:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 38:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 39:
- Premium: Legs for Felix Richter
- Free: Recolored Body for Trapper
• Tier 40:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 41:
- Premium: Body for Oni
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 42:
- Premium: Recolored Legs for Dwight Fairfield
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 43:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Recolored Torso for Claudette Morel
Tier 44:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 45:
- Premium: Recolored Legs for Meg Thompson
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 46:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 47:
- Premium: Head for Felix Richter
- Free: Recolored Torso for Hillbilly
• Tier 48:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 49:
- Premium: Recolored Head for Dwight Fairfield
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 50:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 51:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 52:
- Premium: Mask for Oni
- Free: Charm
• Tier 53:
- Premium: Legs (Community Cosmetics) for Claudette Morel
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 54:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 55:
- Premium: Torso for Felix Richter
- Free: Charm
• Tier 56:
- Premium: Recolored Torso for Dwight Fairfield
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 57:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 58:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 59:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 60:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 61:
- Premium: Head (Community Cosmetic) for Claudette Morel
- Free: Charm
• Tier 62:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 63:
- Premium: Weapon for Oni
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 64:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 65:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 66:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Charm
• Tier 67:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 68:
- Premium: Torso (Community Cosmetic) for Claudette Morel
- Free: Weapon for Nurse
• Tier 69:
- Premium: 50 Auric Cells
- Free: Nothing
• Tier 70:
- Premium: Charm
- Free: Head for Yui Kimura
• Name: New Moon Bouquet
Rarity: Rare
Description: A relic from the Observer's tower. Some say these roses once held powerful sway over The Entity's realm.
Collection: The Desolate Prisoner
Character: Universal
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 1
• Name: Lady of Yesterday
Rarity: Common
Description: Sally's wedding ring. Only a piace of that woman remained.
Character: Killers
Collection: Fated Paths
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 2
• Name: Boken Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: The dream felt real. And in it, she was utterly destroyed.
Character: Survivors
Collection: Fated Paths
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 4
• Name: Shock Splinter
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: An artifact once prevalent in The Entity's realm, it vanished quite suddenly.
Collection: Killer Memorabilia
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 5
• Name: Lady of Doubt
Rarity: Common
Description: She doubted the work she performed but had little else remaining.
Character: Killers
Collection: Fated Paths
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 10
• Name: Maple Taffy
Rarity: Common
Description: A treat made by pouring hot maple sap onto snaw. Part of French-Canadian culture, where it's known as tire d'èrable. Character: Survivors Collection: Winter's Bounty Track: Premium Rift Tier: 13
• Name: Death Do Us Part
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: Everything Sally held dear was taken away.
Collection: Horrible Dolls
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 15
• Name: Devastated Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: She felt empty after witnessing the horrible crash of her friend.
Character: Survivors
Collection: Mementos of Prominence
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 17
• Name: Frozen Delicious
Rarity: Common
Description: An oxymoron known as frozen hot cocoa.
Character: Universal
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 20
• Name: Yui Kimura Figurine
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: Yui's favorite speed? Faster.
Collection: Vinyl Doll
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 23
• Name: Lady of Despair
Rarity: Common
Description: The death of her husband tore her soul apart.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 25
• Name: Bone Chill
Rarity: Common
Description: The hand of someone who succumbed to the cold night.
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 30
• Name: Ghost Orchid
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A rare flower that grows in Cuba and Florida. Claudette's favorite.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 31
• Name: Furious Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: There was a thought she couldn't purge from her mind: Revenge.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 32
• Name: Lion Tattoo
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A tattoo Kazan stripped from a man's skin, deeming him unworthy of wearing such a noble symbol.
Collection: Killer Memorabilia
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 35
• Name: Sakura 7
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A mock-up of a logo that a Sakura 7 gang member carved into a table.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 37
• Name: Lady of Melancholy
Rarity: Common
Description: She was drifting towards a monstrous act as she succumbed to the darkness.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 44
• Name: Conflicted Racer
Rarity: Common
Description: What does it matter if you gain the world if you lose your humanity?
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 50
• Name: Green Geek
Rarity: Rare
Description: A keychain from the forum Claudette moderated.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 52
• Name: Oni Statuette
Rarity: Rare
Description: The figure of a Japanese ogre. It's smiling viciously.
Collection: Forgotten Toys
Character: Killers
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 55
• Name: Lady of Malice
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: She understood her purpose now. And it was to cleanse.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 57
• Name: Mr. Puddles Stuffie
Rarity: Rare
Description: It's your wacky elephant pal as a plush toy! He can't wait to play in your red puddles! Design inspired by kangyaku.
Collection: Forgotten Toys
Character: Survivors
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 58
• Name: Checkered Flag
Rarity: Common
Description: A flag marking the end of a race, its significance is diminished in a realm where endings are ambiguos.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 59
• Name: Knifecicle
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: A knife-shaped icicle. May be effective at killing snowmen.
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Character: Killers
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 61
• Name: Noble Racer
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: She realized some things are more important than first place.
Collection: Fated Paths
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 65
• Name: Propulsion Overdrive RK7
Rarity: Rare
Description: A souped-up streetbike that Yui rode to many victories on.
Collection: Survivor Memorabilia
Character: Survivors
Track: Free
Rift Tier: 66
• Name: Scorched Straitjacket
Rarity: Rare
Description: A relic from the halls of Crotus Prenn Asylum.
Collection: Killer Memorabilia
Character: Killers
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 67
• Name: Shattered Globe
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Description: It may have been beautiful once, but such things are the first to break in this realm.
Collection: Winter's Bounty
Character: Universal
Track: Premium
Rift Tier: 70
• Name: Lunar Ox
Description: A strong and reliable beast with an indomitable will Rarity: Event
Collection: Gilded Stampede
• Name: The Campfire
Rarity: Common
Description: A beacon of hope in a realm of suffering and despair.
Collection: Mementos of Prominence
• Name: Tower of the Damned
Rarity: Uncommon
Description: The foundation of a mysterious tower.
• Name: Tower of the Rising
Rarity: Rare
Description: A half-built tower that holds secrets in its cold walls.
• Name: Tower of the Strong
Rarity: Very Rare
Description: An enigmatic tower that stands out from the barren landscape.
• Name: Tower of the Observer
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Description: A tower bursting with unharnessed possibility.
• Oni Skin
- Name: Mountain Scout
- Description: It was a violent, horrible end for Kazan. Overwhelmed by dozens of peasants after killing dozens of others, he was slashed, stabbed, beaten and left to die.
- Collection: Grim Resolutions
• Felix Richter Skin
- Name: Mountain Scout
- Description: At 18, Felix visited the Swiss Alps with his mother, an attempt to reconnect years after losing his father. Nothing felt the same.
- Collection: Deep Freeze
• Claudette Morel Skin
- Name: Montreal Chill
- Description: It was Claudette's last summer in Montreal, and she had to admit it to herself: she was going to miss the winter chill.
- Collection: Deep Freeze
• Yui Kimura Skin
- Name: Highway Queen
- Description: Yui had the choice between the 1st place and saving a competitor's life. She chose with her heart.
- Collection: Divergence
• Nurse Skin
- Name: The Ashen Lady
- Description: The life and love she had was no more, turned to dust and blown away.
- Collection: Divergence
• Oni Skin
- Name: Mountain Scout
- Description: It was a violent, horrible end for Kazan. Overwhelmed by dozens of peasants after killing dozens of others, he was slashed, stabbed, beaten and left to die.
- Collection: Grim Resolutions
• Felix Richter Skin
- Name: Mountain Scout
- Description: At 18, Felix visited the Swiss Alps with his mother, an attempt to reconnect years after losing his father. Nothing felt the same.
- Collection: Deep Freeze
• Claudette Morel Skin
- Name: Montreal Chill
- Description: It was Claudette's last summer in Montreal, and she had to admit it to herself: she was going to miss the winter chill.
- Collection: Deep Freeze
• Yui Kimura Skin
- Name: Highway Queen
- Description: Yui had the choice between the 1st place and saving a competitor's life. She chose with her heart.
- Collection: Divergence
• Nurse Skin
- Name: The Ashen Lady
- Description: The life and love she had was no more, turned to dust and blown away.
- Collection: Divergence
Also, in the Rift there will be some cosmetics taken from the mobile game:
Also, in the Rift there will be some cosmetics taken from the mobile game:

Moreover, in this new Tome, there will be new challenges called "Red Glyph Challenges", for these new challenges there will be special icons, which are the following: