Many Dead by Daylight fans have been waiting for the collaboration between Behaviour Interactive's game and Alien, and this seemed like the year thanks to that rumor spread on Reddit that the collaboration would be announced right on Alien Day, but unfortunately no teaser was released instead.
Hopes obviously have not been completely dashed yet because it is indeed still unknown whether the June chapter will be licensed or not, so maybe a collaboration is still actually in the works, but if so we will find out in a couple of weeks when the new chapter is unveiled to the public to celebrate the game's seventh anniversary:
While waiting, however, to hear what Behaviour Interactive is going to do for the anniversary, I want to tell you about a project that is very reminiscent of Alien, and even a bit Dead by Daylight, a new game called Level Zero.
Level Zero is an asymmetric PvP survival horror that will be released this year on PC and consoles:
A team of four scientists must repair control systems to escape, while an opposing team of two creatures follows them into the shadows using various telepathic abilities, ambush tactics, and electricity manipulation skills.
The gameplay is very reminiscent of games such as Alien Isolation, Dead by Daylight, and Deceit, with one major difference from other asymmetric multiplayer: graphically, it looks really polished down to the last detail, and for those who are fans of Alien, they will notice familiar vibes, even in what is the synopsis of the game:
''The year is 2058. A group of researchers from the company "New Horizons" has embarked on a long-awaited space expedition to explore unknown corners of the universe. After an arduous journey, their ship has finally reached its destination: the planet Turion. If they only knew the catastrophic consequences their journey would bring...''
Level Zero was unveiled last year at the PC Gaming Show, revealing that, as mentioned earlier, it will be released not only on PC but also on Console, this is the presentation trailer:

While waiting to see if Alien will come to Dead by Daylight, this was a nice discovery for me, a new asymmetric multiplayer game that shows great promise.
What do you guys think of it?

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