Lately the information is becoming more and more interesting, which constantly increase the desire to try the game, are in fact many requests of fans to try it with a beta/demo.
For those of you who don’t know, Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a multiplayer asymmetric horror game 3vs4 developed by Gun Media (one of the two teams behind the development of Friday the 13th The Game) in which 4 survivors will face Leatherface and his family: each killer will have a different power, there will be several maps at the launch of the game and also, you can upgrade the characters through the perks.
The game will be available on all platforms and also on Xbox Game Pass at launch, there will be three maps at launch, the Gas Station, which will be set at night, the Family House which will be set at sunrise and the Slaughterhouse which will be set at Daytime.
The development team also enjoys the collaboration of Kim Henkel, one of the authors of the original 1974 film Leatherface:''Working with Kim Henkel has obviously been incredible. He has placed an extreme amount of trust in our team to deliver an experience that matches the tone and authenticity of the legendary film he helped create all those years ago. In order to accomplish this task we felt it was paramount to focus on the one key aspect that separates Texas from most any other horror franchise in existence. This is of course the Slaughter family itself. You see, Texas doesn't feature a singular killer. Texas is different. Texas is all about family. The Cook, the Hitchhiker, and Leatherface all have specific jobs to do and roles to play. Without each other, the family simply couldn't exist and operate efficiently for very long. So when it comes to creating a multiplayer horror experience based on this film, we knew the family dynamic had to be a top priority. How they interact, how they work together, and how they all have specific strengths and weaknesses would be the basis of the killer experience.
It was quickly apparent that we would need additional family members in order to create the type of team-based multiplayer experience we were after. As interesting as The Cook, Hitchhiker, and Leatherface are, three killers simply wouldn't be enough to sustain the game for long periods of time. We needed more. Luckily, Kim Henkel came through again to help us solve this issue. Kim had several ideas for additional characters that never made it into the 1974 film, but ultimately he allowed us to create new Slaughter family members on our own. This level of trust meant the world to me. I knew each new family member had to be unique and memorable, while at the same time looking like they belonged. To put it simply, they needed to stand out, but not in a negative way. While I can't discuss specific character details, I can say a considerable amount of time and work went into crafting each of the new killers. Each one took well over a year from start to finish, and it's an aspect of the game that myself and the team is quite proud of.'''''
Kim Henkel who will collaborate with the development team to create original characters, and in fact have already been presented two new original characters that will support the Leatherface family (Leatherface, the Hitchhiker, and the Cook) to the killers that will be available within the game related to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise:
In addition to the news listed in the article linked just now, the developers have released new information regarding the video game:
The minute a match starts each Family Member has a job to do to fortify the property. Like The Hitchhiker here supplying some 12-volt juice to one of the cattle grid exits.
— The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (@TXChainSawGame) February 7, 2023
When unlocking one of the basement doors, it doesn’t hurt to have a fellow Victim watch your back.
— The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (@TXChainSawGame) February 13, 2023
Victims can disable the power that electrifies the cattle grid exits. After a cooldown the Family can turn them back on to secure the property.
— The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (@TXChainSawGame) February 16, 2023
As you can see, the developers team really put a lot of care into the gameplay of the game.
Will you buy it when it is released?

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