Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface Game – Gameplay Details from Friday the 13th Devs: Map Revealed, Proximity Chat, Freezer Trap + Evil Dead The Game Delayed

Leatherface’s licensed game was announced late last year, and developers are providing news about the game almost every day. For example, a few days ago they talked about the fact that the game will be a 3v4:

Recently they said other things about the game, namely that there will be a 'team based chat system' that will be different from the proximity chat of Friday the 13th, their previous game. Also a fan asked if the freezer trap will come back and a developer responded with 'maybe. '

Yesterday was also published a new image of the game that shows the 'gas station' of the film:

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dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd sadako rising chapter ringu the ring gun media evil dead the game texas chainsaw massacre leatherface stephen king carrie pennywise shining gas station

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In addition, last year was also presented another licensed game: Evil Dead The Game.

The game was scheduled to be released during this month but was postponed to May 13, 2022.

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