Winnie The Pooh can become a future Killer of Dead by Daylight: a Horror Film Slasher based on the famous Character called Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey is in Development

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Since 1st January, 2022, some of the most famous works have become public domain, this is because there is a law according to which after 96 years from the creation and publication of a certain work, all copyright rights decay, which means that that specific work becomes public domain and everyone can use it to produce new content about it.

Since the beginning of this year, one of the most famous works that has lost copyright rights is Winnie the Pooh (but it is not the only one, for example Bambi also lost copyright rights, and in 2024 it will be up to Mickey Mouse and Tiger) which means that we can all develop a story about the character, but the important thing is that visually it doesn’t look like Disney’s designs, because those are still copyrighted.

Disney is trying to find a solution about it by creating live-action versions of the classic stories hoping that it can get them into the collective imagination, trying to "forget" the stories drawn with also new merchandise dedicated to new products, as in a few years they will all become public domain and Disney will not be able to make as much money as today, as they will no longer be his property.

In all this, the creatives have wasted no time and have immediately exploited Winnie the Pooh creating a new 'universe' that is totally detached from the original, as we talk about Horror.

The Director and Writer of the film will be Rhys Frake-Waterfield, as for the actors instead there are:

Amber Doig-Thorne as Alice, Danielle Scott as Mauled Women, Maria Taylor as Maria, Danielle Ronald as Zoe, Bao Tieu as Caged man, May Kelly as Tina, Chris Cordell as Piglet, Natasha Tosini as Lara, Marcus Massey as James Anderson (News Reporter), Gillian Broderick as Therapist, Richard Harfst as Barn Owner, Natasha Rose Mills as Jess, Paula Coiz as Mary, Craig David Dowsett as Winnie.

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dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd behaviour interactive winnie the pooh blood and honey disney resident evil project w capcom silent hill konami playstation plus xbox game pass nintendo switch horror
dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd behaviour interactive winnie the pooh blood and honey disney resident evil project w capcom silent hill konami playstation plus xbox game pass nintendo mickey mouse
dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd behaviour interactive winnie the pooh blood and honey disney resident evil project w capcom silent hill konami playstation plus xbox game pass nintendo feet girl
dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd behaviour interactive winnie the pooh blood and honey disney resident evil project w capcom silent hill konami playstation plus xbox game pass nintendo switch
dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd behaviour interactive winnie the pooh blood and honey disney resident evil project w capcom silent hill konami playstation plus xbox game pass nintendo disney
dead by daylight leaksbydaylight dbd behaviour interactive winnie the pooh blood and honey disney resident evil project w capcom silent hill konami playstation xbox game pass nintendo switch horror disney

Nothing is yet known about the plot of the film, but as soon as there is new information about it I will update you.

Would you like Dead by Daylight to collaborate with this film to bring this horror version of Winnie the Pooh as new killer of the game?

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