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After I anticipated it to you months ago, during this month the collaboration between Alien and Dead by Daylight was revealed, which was officially released yesterday on all platforms, in this regard I remind you that there are leaks regarding new content coming:

But the surprises do not end there, because the next chapter will also be in collaboration with a very famous license, and apparently that license will be Predator.

Months ago I told you about how it was quite likely that Alien and Predator were coming to Dead by Daylight thanks to the words of Dave Richards, the game's Creative Director, who with End Transmission Chapter introduced a new genre: Sci-Fi, and indeed here comes Alien, which will most likely be followed by the other extraterrestrial species, the Yautja.

For those who don't know anything about what they are:
The Yautja, known colloquially as the Predators or Hunters, are an extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans. The Yautja are a sentient, humanoid race that breathe an atmosphere similar to that of Earth's, but possess a level of technological advancement far in excess of anything available to humans. The Predators stalk and kill their prey using a combination of highly advanced technology, such as active camouflage and energy weapons, combined with comparatively primitive traditional weapons, such as blades, spears and nets. The Predators often ritualistically mutilate their prey and usually claim a trophy from their kills. Capable of interstellar travel in star ships, the Predators have hunted on Earth for centuries and have also had prior contact with the Engineers.

Alien and Predator given their similarities about both being extraterrestrial hunters both very hostile toward humans, the two fandoms have always tried to compare them to determine who was the stronger, and so in the late 1980s a comic book was published by Dark Horse Comics written by Randy Stradley and called Aliens vs. Predator which was then followed a few years later, in '99, by a PC video game called Aliens versus Predator.

After publishing products in the form of comic books and video games, the debut of this 'saga' also took place in the cinema with AVP: Alien vs. Predator of 2004 directed by Paul W. S. Anderson in which the protagonists are the Predator Chopper and the Xenomorph Grid.

After that, a new video game, released in 2010 and the sequel to the film released in 2007 were developed.

Within the products of the 'Alien vs. Predator' saga there is a different Xenomorph than the one in the movies called in fact by the name of Xenomorph Grid which is in fact a species born in the Yautja pyramid and is present ONLY in the Alien Vs Predator products, namely in the 2004 novel, the 2007 movie and the 2010 game in the form of a cosmetic for the xenomorph:
dead by daylight predator chopper scar celtic dbd playstation ps4 ps5 xbox game pass nintendo switch alien vs predator behaviour interactive horror games movies gaming gamescom starfield oppenheimer

His name comes from what happened to him during the fight with Celtic, one of the three Yautja brothers who went into the Yautja Pyramid to hunt the Xenomorphs. During the fight, Celtic severed the tip of Grid's tail and trapped it with his Netgun, the web of constriction cut into Grid's armor and produced a grid of wounds that gave the individual Xenomorph its name.

In short: the Grid Xenomorph is not part of the ALIEN license, but part of the Alien vs. Predator license.

Yesterday, as I was downloading the Dead by Daylight update that brought with it the new Alien Chapter additions, thus the Xenomorph, Ellen Ripley, and the new map, I was watching the Chapter's launch trailer, which is as follows:
YouTube video player

Intrigued by the new skins released for the Xenomorph, the first thing I do after downloading the update was to go to the store to see them, and I realize something, there is a skin in the store that is not shown in the trailer, here it is:
dead by daylight dbd playstation ps4 ps5 xbox game pass nintendo switch alien xenomorph grid predator yautja behaviour interactive

That skin is not shown in the trailer, because that trailer belongs to the Alien license content, whereas instead, as I told you just now, the GRID Xenomorph belongs to the Alien vs. Predator license, so it was not possible to put it in the trailer.

Does this mean that Behaviour Interactive contracted not only for the Alien license, but also for the Alien vs. Predator license, and only did so for a skin that they cannot even advertise in the launch trailer? obviously not.

In fact, I would remind you that the next chapter will also be licensed, and if indeed it will be Predator, we can expect one of the three brothers as the main character of the chapter (e.g., Celtic who as written just now gives the Xenomorph Grid its very name), and his brothers, Chopper and Scar, as legendary skins, just as happened with the Xenomorph who had the Queen Alien as a legendary skin:
dead by daylight predator chopper scar celtic dbd playstation ps4 ps5 xbox game pass nintendo switch alien vs predator behaviour interactive horror games movies gaming gamescom starfield

What do you think about all this? Would you like it?
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